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writer & editor

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Cristina Rouvalis is a freelancer writer whose work has appeared in national magazines including Hemispheres, PARADE,, AARP the Magazine,, Inc., and Parents, as well as regional publications such as Pittsburgh Quarterly and Carnegie Magazine.

Adept at distilling complex ideas into lively prose, she specializes in business, health, parenting and senior issues. She has won many feature writing awards and has profiled personalities ranging from professional sports figures to CEOs to prison moms. She is based in Pittsburgh.


"One of the things I love about Cristina, besides her compulsive reliability, is she has that rare ability to be informative and entertaining at the same time, even when covering an apparently dry subject. The benchmark of a good article is when readers are inclined to talk about it later with their friends—I’ve found myself doing that with Cristina’s work."


Chris Wright, executive editor of Hemispheres

"Cristina is the kind of writer every editor wants on speed dial: she's innately curious, has the chops of a seasoned reporter, and is a gifted storyteller who gets at the heart of a story in concise, a-pleasure-to-read prose. Just as crucial: she's a joy to work with because she communicates along the way and delivers on word count and on time. Where's the clone button?"


Julie Hannon, editor of Carnegie Magazine

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